Changing Payment Methods
If you' ve already placed an order but your payment hasn' t been confirmed yet, changing payment methods is extremely easy and convenient through the My Orders page.
1. Shipping & Delivery Estimates
Our "shipping estimate" is an estimate of how long it will take to prepare your item for shipment and the date it will leave our warehouse. We calculate estimated shipping dates once payment for an order has been confirmed and we begin processing the order. You will see a shipping estimate for your order in the payment confirmation we sent to you via email.This will also appear in your dressesco account once your payment has been confirmed.
We also provide the average shipping times for our different products so that you can calculate approximately when your items will reach their destination.
1)How are shipping estimates calculated?
Our shipping estimates are based on how quickly we can process and package items for shipment ?C also known as "processing time". Processing time includes selecting items, quality checks, and packaging. Please note that large orders with multiple items may take longer to process and package.
2)When will I get my items?
You can calculate your estimated delivery time using the average processing time for your products and the average shipping time of the shipping method you chose for your order.
3)What if I want to get my items faster?
During checkout, you have a choice of different shipping speeds and can select the radio button next to that option. If you need your items by a certain time, we recommend ordering your items early and choosing a shipping method that meets your delivery requirements.
2. Locations We Ship To ships worldwide to nearly every country across the globe, covering North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and more. We employ the services of major, trusted international carriers to ensure your package arrives to your destination safely and securely. Please refer to the chart below to check if we ship to your country.